So much to do, so little time

It’s 6am and I am sitting at the computer enjoying a cup of coffee and half watching a lady on the television teaching exercises. At least this lady is older and isn’t dressed in those skimpy clothes showing all her great curves. I know those women are showing you how great you can look if you exercise, but I find looking at them discouraging. I can’t imagine that I could ever look like them. Afterall, they look 20ish or 30ish. I guess I should imagine myself looking better and not compare myself to them. Right!

Exercising! I keep telling myself that needs to be part of my routine for the day. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit…I usually last about 6 days. lol

Yeah, I will start exercising today…after I unclog my kitchen sink, get a belt for my washing machine, work 6 hours at my job, grocery shop, mail bills, go to bank, make posters for a yard sale tomorrow, buy a present for my nephew and a new answering machine, straighten up my house, and cook up 5 lbs of hamburger meat into four ounces patties.

I use to go back to bed every morning after I got my husband out the door for work at 530am. Now, I find I need the extra time just to get my list of “things to do today” completed.

BUT, I am very thankful that I have the good health to perform these chores and the money to purchase the things I need.

I have already looked at the grocery store circulars and have found a couple of bargains to purchase. I see paper towels and t-bones are on special. yoo hoo

Wow! Christmas shopping is another “thing to do” that I need to start on. Every year I tell myself I will start early and maybe even start a Christmas Club at the bank. So far, no luck. There is always next year. tee hee

Think I will go see if I can get my daughter up for an early morning walk. We discussed it last night but we didn’t say we would start this morning. Wish me luck.