Fall Cleaning OR Spring Cleaning

I have always heard of “Spring cleaning” but for me “Fall cleaning” makes more sense. Afterall, when Spring comes, I want to get outside and work in the yard. Colder weather makes me glad to be inside the house, especially in the morning.

I set a goal of one room a day, cleaning from top to bottom . For me, starting with the least used room helps. You can get it cleaned faster and it is encouraging to have one finished. If I don’t have a lot of time one day, that’s when I do one of the bathrooms.

Also, it is amazing how many things I find and say “oh, that’s where that was” or “I didn’t realize I still had that.”

I also like to take a clothes basket with me as I clean. I take anything out of the room that needs to go to another room and put it in the basket at the doorway. It saves me time. I especially found this helpful when I had a two-story house (running up and down the stairs) and when my kids were young. It is amazing what you find in your small children’s bedrooms. Often car keys and the television clicker end up in your child’s toybox. lol

Fall is also the perfect time to “spring clean” because you find all kinds of things to take to Goodwill or Salvation Army and get a receipt for your taxes which will be filed in a couple months.

Another good thing about “Fall cleaning” is a lot of people have company during the holidays. Your house will be ready for those overnight guests.

It is also a great time to clean out your spices in your kitchen cabinet. Afterall, the holidays are coming and you will be spending a lot of extra time in the kitchen cooking those holiday meals. Spices that have expired…not good. I find it helpful to date the spices as I purchase them.

So, get a start on your “spring cleaning” by doing it this Fall. Have fun.