Yard Sales

Preparing for a yard sale is a lot of work.


1. Deciding when to have the yard sale/check weather for rain.

2. Deciding what to sell.

3. Cleaning items, washing clothing, packaging some items together (like sheets and pillow cases).

4. Deciding how to price the items.

5. Finding tables for displaying items.

6. Making posters/signs.

7. Going to the bank for change-coins and bills.

8. Getting up really early to get items displayed before those early bargain hunters arrive.

I am actually having a whole house yard sale for someone else who will not be present. LONG STORY!

I have been to yard sales and flea markets but I am wondering how people decide what to charge. Do you charge a certain percentage of the original price? Say, 10 % of the original price. I am thinking that sounds about right. If a CD cost $15.99, I think $1.50 would be good. A recliner that originally cost $199.00 selling for about 20 bucks. I guess it really depends on the condition of items, too. Then you have to decide whether you want a certain price or whether you should price higher to allow for the haggling of prices.

Well, that is my exciting plans for this coming weekend. I need to have my own yard sale one of these days.

Isn’t amazing how many things we acquire over the years? My family is pretty good about checking first to see if any family member wants anything before we get rid of things. I missed out on some great recliners that my sister, Sandy was getting rid of because we live in Florida and she lives in NC. I didn’t have a way to get them here without renting something to transport the furniture. Too expensive to rent a truck.

Well, time to get going. I am working on step 3 of my checklist which is the most time consuming. Wish me luck.