Monthly Archives: July 2015

Vaseline keeps the ants away

I set up our Hummingbird feeder on one of those metal poles (Shepherd’s Staff, I think they are called) and was pleased to see the little birds sipping away at the sweet water.

When i went to clean the feeder and refill the liquid, I noticed there were tiny ants in the remaining water inside the bottle as well as all along the pole.

So I loaded the pole with Vaseline just before the curve started where the feeder hung.  I smeared about three inches up on the pole.  Worked like a charm!

Now if I could just figure out a way to get rid of those carpenter bees that keep making holes on our wooden deck.  They hover a lot so I just keep swatting them with a fly swatter and killing them.

Windex to get flies out of windows

Those sneaky flies get inside the house and automatically hide in the windows that have venetian blinds.  Trying to pull back the blinds and not let the fly escape is a problem.  Plus, it is easy to damage the blinds.

My solution:  spray Windex on the fly between the blinds.  It doesn’t kill the fly but it stuns it and it often falls to the bottom of the window.   Then I take a paper towel and squash it.  Sometimes you have to chase the fly around in the window with a couple shots of spray.