Monthly Archives: February 2012

My Bio

I am a baby boomer.  I was born in South Carolina and have lived in Germany, Hawaii, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, and Massachusett and Florida.  I have managed restaurants, owned and operated a dairy farm, worked in dr/psychologists offices, self-employed as a Mary Kay consultant, worked civil service as a secretary/stenographer for a Lt/Col, have had my real estate license as well as my life and health insurance license, been a Sunday school teacher (with my husband) for teenagers , taught my kids at home for a year or so AND most importantly raised three wonderful kids.

My children’s father died in 1980 when they were only 10, 3, and 1 year old. He was active duty and the military did a terric job taking care of us after his death.

I am married to a man who never married because I was the “love of his life” though we dated at l5 years old.  We have been married for l0 years now and every day I realize more and more I should have married him one of the three times he asked me to marry him in 1972, 1980, and l987.  I asked him to marry me in 1996.  It took that time.

I presently live in North Florida on two acres of land and have three dogs and 6 chickens.  My neighbor, Gale has a horse, a Billy goat, chickens and a garden so it is country living. It is a peaceful, wonderful life.

So, basically, I have lived an exciting, interesting life and have learned so much that I want to share my experiences and knowledge with others.

I am a firm believer that when women “HAD” to go to work due to the economy, there were some things that our children did not learn.  I personally know I didn’t get my children into the kitchen as often as I should in order to teach them to cook and clean.  Instead of delegating work, I often chose to do it myself because it was faster.  During conversations with my daughters, they have expressed their surprize that their girlfriends don’t know how to cook.  They often ask me cleaning and cooking questions themselves.

I hope you enjoy the information and stories I share about my family and friends.  I think most people feel like they could write a book.  I know I do. All three of my children have websites and have careers that involve the computer so they have encouraged me to do this.  So far it has been fun.  Thanks kids.

UPDATE:  Feb 9, 2012

My husband retired December 3, 2011 and we are so happy that we get to be together 24/7.  Some of my husband’s friends started having marital problems when the husband retired and at least one of them got a divorce after probably 30 plus years of marriage.  He was concerned that he was going to get on my last nerve being around all the time and it has been an adjustment, but no divorce is on the horizon.

We are planning to travel and do some rock hound hunting.  The Diamond Crater in Arkansas is one of the stops we want to make as well as trips to NC and Georgia.  I found a website that you can join and go on rock hound hunting digs so I am looking into that right now.  It would be fun to meet up with a group of friends at different locations and socialize.  I will update you if we find any gold, emeralds, rubies, or such.  Waiting for the weather to get nicer before we head out.

raised three children (one a valedictorian of her high school, one a

Crab Salad (like Golden Corral’s recipe)

On the request of some fine ladies that have been visiting me for a number of years, the following recipe should make them happy.

First, make the butter milk ranch dressing you find in the grocery store in a packet.  You  will need one cup of mayonnaise and one cup of butter milk for the recipe on the packet .  Refrigerate so it can thicken and stay cold.

Boil 6 to 8 eggs.  Peel and mash like you were making egg salad.

Shred one pound of imitation crab meat in a large bowl.  I like mine small and it takes me a good ten minutes to do it unless I can talk my husband into helping.  Good job for the kids with cleaned washed hands.

Then cut up 1/4 to 1/2 cup celery and another 1/4 cup of green peppers.  I put a really small amount of peppers because I don’t like them a lot but you may prefer 1/2 cup.

Add the eggs onto the crab meat and throw in the peppers and celery. Pour in JUST ENOUGH  ranch dressing to get it wet but not mushy.  You will not use the whole amount you made, believe me. Try about half of it first.  Just toss the salad with two forks until you get it damp.

I also like to add some Nature’s Seasoning in it but that is not the original recipe.  I serve it with some Ritz crackers or you might like Saltines better.  It is good any time but it is a great dish to take to summer cookouts for the parents who prefer something other than hot dogs and hamburgers.

Hope you enjoy.  Thank you so much, Michelle for your continued friendship and devotion to the Lord.  Your sisters in Christ are just as wonderful as you are and that is saying a lot.