Category Archives: Time savers

Canning with Mason jars

A whole new world has opened up for me since I learned to can proteins.  I have fast food on my shelves.  I can have dinner on the table in less than half an hour.

I learned to can by watching great you tube videos by Linda’s Pantry, Sutton’s Daze, I’m still working, Guildbrook Farm, Michigan Snow Pony and so many more.
I spent hours researching and learning the information about canning.  It is a little intimidating at first.  But, so worth it.

One great advantage of canning proteins is you buy meats on sale.  Freezers are great but I know of at least two friends that lost all their food when their freezer died on them.  Not to mention hurricanes and storms taking out the electricity.

I can ground beef, roasts, pork, chicken, bacon, sausage, turkey, corned beef, meatloaf and a lot of potatoes.  I can vegetables, too but the real savings is in meats.  With as crazy as inflation is getting to be, every bit of money you can stretch helps.

Becoming a prepper

There are so many reasons to be prepared by stocking up on food.  For example, you could lose your income from job loss or even an accident.  What if you have an ice storm or Hurricane and you can’t get to the store or they are closed due to no electricity? Those are two obvious reasons to stock up on food.

I have always looked at the circulars and stocked up on items I use consistently.  Clipping coupons is not my cup of tea.

I have recently started pressure canning meats (and potatoes) and I have been able to stock up on great bargains and don’t have to worry about freezer space.

The meat is tender and it is like having fast food at your finger tips.  I can have a roast with potatoes on the table in 15 minutes.

Canning the meat means 75 minutes (pints) or 90 minutes (quarts) of my propane gas stove and it makes 7 meals. When I cooked a roast in my oven, it took 6 hours to get it tender enough and I usually got 3 meals out of the roast.  I would make the roast, then French dip sandwiches and then a beef stew.

But the canning means I have beef tonight and then another meat the next night.

So far I have canned roast, beef tips, ground beef, pork, chicken, sausage and bacon.  Oh yeah, butter, too.

I also can dry beans and what a savings that is!  Pintos, great northern, navy, lima and black beans fill my shelves.

My gas stove has been a blessing, too because when we lose electricity, I can still light my burners with a match and cook meals.  Losing electricity did not effect my canned meats either.  One of my relatives had a full freezer and lost almost everything.

If you are interested in learning to can, watch u-tube videos.   That is how I learned.  I found “Michigansnowpony” “Linda’s pantry” “starry hilder” and “guildbrook farm” are great for learning about canning and homesteading.


Cleaning shower curtain

I usually just buy a cheap clear shower curtain and replace it when I see it doesn’t  look fresh and clean anymore, and then recycle the old one.  By recycling I mean, I use it as a mat for my husband to lie on the ground working on our riding lawn mower or covering our well after insulating it or something like that.

After cleaning my claw foot tub, I  noticed the bottom of the shower curtains looked kind of orange-looking along the seam.  I was thinking darn, I have to buy two curtains or take them down and wash them.  This I have done before by adding bleach or Oxiclean to the water.  Noticing that only the seam really looked bad, I decided to fill the tub with warm water and add the oxiclean to the tub water thus saving me the time of taking them down, washing and rehanging them.  It worked perfectly.

I buy the generic oxiclean from the Dollar Tree and honestly, it works great.  It also made my bathroom smell nice and fresh.

Washing Machine Maintenance

I noticed the water running into my washing machine was taking longer and longer to fill the tub.  We recently had a problem with  our well and the water had been off a few hours.  If that happens, you always run water thru your water lines to let the minerals and dirt or whatever run out before you drink the water.  Well, I didn’t think about that same residue building up in the filter of my washing machine.

I pulled the washing machine out, unhooked the rubber tubing to the back where the water runs into the machine and sure enough, there was a filter.  Oh my gosh at the gunk.  I used a q-tip to remove some of it.  I also squirted water in the hole and held a bowl under the area for the dirt to drip out.

My washing machine fills quickly now and my laundry time has been cut in half.  I should have done that years ago.  I kept thinking something was wrong but I assumed my machine was dying on me.  lol

Peeling Potatoes

I previously peeled potatoes over the trash can.  But for years now I have used another method.   I put a paper towel in the sink and then peel them over the paper towel.  When I finish I just fold the towel up and quickly throw it in the trash.  No sore back from bending over.  The sink is just the right height.

Doing dishes while cooking

During this busy holiday season and the all-day cooking, I realized I use a shortcut every time I cook.

I fill the kitchen sink full of hot soapy water and wash dishes as I dirty them. Most of the time I am organized enough to even wash some of the pots and pans before putting the dinner on the table. Plus, even if you don’t have time to wash them, you have soaked them and they are definitely easier to clean.

If you have a dishwasher, this still works for you. I don’t use a dishwasher… by choice. I hate dishwashers. But, my daughter does enjoy her dishwasher and it helps to wash off the pots and pans before putting them in the dishwasher. Also, if you do this when you have a big meal with lots of pots and pans, you can start the dishwasher with the pots and pans and then by the time you finish eating, you can unload the pots and pans and start the second load of dishes/glasses and silverware . A big meal almost always means two loads for the dishwasher.

Coupon clipping

Do you hate flipping through your coupons at the grocery store? I sure do.

I found if I use an envelope to make my grocery list on and then put all my coupons in the envelope, it works great. By looking through my coupons at home, it reminds me that I need some items, too.

It really helps to only clip coupons that you use on a regular basis or if you have been wanting to try an item.

Windex and watches

My husband told me he found another use for Windex. He has one of those watches with an elastic band that you just slip on your wrist. After awhile the band starts looking dull and I am sure there is some dead skin getting in there. He sprayed the Windex on the band and wiped it clean. It was so much easier than soaking it and then scrubbing it with a toothbrush.

Grocery Shopping Tips

I know I mentioned before that it is a bad idea to go shopping right before dinner/after you worked all day. Mainly because the grocery store is so crowded and you end up spending more time standing in line. But also because it puts you home later, dinner is later and getting out of the kitchen is later.

I have always heard “don’t go shopping when you are hungry.” I truly believe that is a good rule. It is for me, anyway. I find my shopping cart full of junk when I shop hungry. I have even grabbed a bag of those “Sweet Sixteen” powdered donuts and as soon as I get to the car, I eat three or four of them. If you want to save on your grocery bill, do not shop when you are hungry.

Another helpful hint, make a grocery list. I hate to get home from the grocery store and realize I forgot something that I needed NOW. Like last night, I forgot to buy Dawn. No list, no Dawn. I guess Dawn hasn’t been on sale lately or I would have had an extra one under the sink. I am rather “focused” on stocking up on food so it amazes me when I run of anything.

I like to keep a list as I realize I am out or almost out of an item. I keep the list on the refrigerator door. If I don’t make a list, I sometimes buy things thinking I need it and I already had an extra bottle hiding in my cabinet.

Another idea is to go through your refrigerator, freezer and cabinets before you head out to go grocery shopping. It will refresh you memory so you will be aware of what you already have at home.

Make sure you gather your coupons and put them in your purse, too. I even have a coupon that says you get $10 off for a purchase of $100 from Winn Dixie. Those are nice but I seldom buy that much food at one time for just me and my husband. I guess I just never get low enough on food that I need that much at one time.

Also, the circulars that come out weekly really help you save money. I often plan my menus from what is on sale for the week. There are certain foods I buy only when they are on sale….like T-bone steaks.

Seasonal foods are great to stock up on, too. During Thanksgiving and Christmas certain foods are on sale…like cranberry sauce, canned yams, hams and turkeys. Last year, I must have bought 24 cans of cranberry sauce. They were 50 cents a can instead of 99 cents. And why not buy an extra turkey. You can slice it up and make sandwiches or turkey salad. So take advantage of those seasonal sales.

Most people are too busy to really put much thought into grocery shopping. It is just one of those things you have to do. I truly feel that I save at least $100 a month by taking advantage of the circulars. I guess I have made it a game. I like to save at least 30% at Winn Dixie. My last shopping trip I spent $49 dollars and saved $23. That was without any coupons. And I only bought stuff I knew I would use.

When I do use coupons, I only clip out the coupons of things I normally purchase. It is very tempting to purchase items that you have a coupon for $1.00 off and think, “Oh, I think I will try that.” You end up spending more money. So don’t even clip the coupon unless it is a staple in your home.

So, I hope you will take advantage of the circulars and maybe clip a few coupons for things you use often. And don’t forget that grocery list. Happy grocery shopping. It is the only kind of shopping I enjoy. I know, I am a sick puppy as my daughters say.

Fall Cleaning OR Spring Cleaning

I have always heard of “Spring cleaning” but for me “Fall cleaning” makes more sense. Afterall, when Spring comes, I want to get outside and work in the yard. Colder weather makes me glad to be inside the house, especially in the morning.

I set a goal of one room a day, cleaning from top to bottom . For me, starting with the least used room helps. You can get it cleaned faster and it is encouraging to have one finished. If I don’t have a lot of time one day, that’s when I do one of the bathrooms.

Also, it is amazing how many things I find and say “oh, that’s where that was” or “I didn’t realize I still had that.”

I also like to take a clothes basket with me as I clean. I take anything out of the room that needs to go to another room and put it in the basket at the doorway. It saves me time. I especially found this helpful when I had a two-story house (running up and down the stairs) and when my kids were young. It is amazing what you find in your small children’s bedrooms. Often car keys and the television clicker end up in your child’s toybox. lol

Fall is also the perfect time to “spring clean” because you find all kinds of things to take to Goodwill or Salvation Army and get a receipt for your taxes which will be filed in a couple months.

Another good thing about “Fall cleaning” is a lot of people have company during the holidays. Your house will be ready for those overnight guests.

It is also a great time to clean out your spices in your kitchen cabinet. Afterall, the holidays are coming and you will be spending a lot of extra time in the kitchen cooking those holiday meals. Spices that have expired…not good. I find it helpful to date the spices as I purchase them.

So, get a start on your “spring cleaning” by doing it this Fall. Have fun.