Betty Crocker Cookies

I enjoy the smell of fresh baked cookies as well as the taste. I have found the packages of Betty Crocker cookies are just the right size for my husband and me. I think it makes about two dozen. We eat a few hot out of the oven with a cold glass of milk. Then I put the rest away in a Tupperware container with a slice of bread to keep the cookies soft.

Sometimes, I freeze some cookies if I am forcing myself to be good and not eat all of them up in a matter of days.  I put them in individual baggies with three cookies and they were always ready to pack in my husband’s lunch.

I appreciate companies making smaller portions of goodies. I seldom make cakes anymore (I make cupcakes instead, again freezing the cup cakes with no icing) because there is so much waste.  I either end up throwing a lot of it away or I try to give half of it away right away. I find making these cookies means less waste and less chance that we will overeat.