Chicken stories

If you have chickens for very long, you get use to burying a few. In the last five or six years since I have had chickens, we have buried our fair share. My husband buries them along the fence line near the chicken yard. He is so silly. He comments occasionally that we will have a good crop of chickens growing there one of these days.

For awhile there, everytime I went to NC without my husband, one of my chickens died. He said they missed me and died of loneliness.

One day, a chicken died and my husband was getting ready to bury it. Before he put the chicken in the hole, he took the chicken over to the side of the fence so the other chickens could say goodbye to the dead one.

Another time, he took a dead chicken over to the side of the fence and told the hens they better start laying more eggs or else. The funny thing was….we got four eggs the next day instead of two. Co-incidence…I think not. I didn’t know my husband could talk chicken.

My neighbor, Gail also has chickens. One of her chickens jumped her fence and ended up in my sister-in-law’s back yard with her dogs. Needless to say, that hen didn’t make it. Gail is so soft-hearted that she couldn’t bear to even see the dead animal. My husband offered to go retrieve the dead bird and bury it along the fence line with our dearly departed chickens. Gail also has a beautiful horse. Calvin pointed out that if her horse dies, he is not volunteering for that burial job.

We have two of the South American chickens that lay green shelled eggs. They look like colored Easter eggs. I understand they also come in other pastel colors…I think I heard they lay blue, yellow, pink???? Araucana chickens they are called. I had to look that up.