Keep your dogs from digging

Do your dogs dig? Pain in the butt, huh? Well, I went online and checked out different solutions and this is the one that worked for me.

We have two acres of land of which an acre of land is fenced-in for the dogs. We have fenced the border with field fencing and then cross-fenced the land so I have an area for the dogs, chickens and across the front and side is our yard for my plants.

Our dogs would dig in the same spots over and over along the fenceline and I kept filling the holes. They were getting out of their yard and sometimes would even get into my chicken yard.

The internet site I found said to take dog poop and bury it in the hole that the dog has dug. So refill the hole with dirt but put the poop about two inches from the top of the ground before you finish filling the hole. IT WORKS!!!

I wandered around the yard with a grocery bag on my left arm and a grocery bag on my right hand picking up the crap. Not a job I really enjoyed but would gladly do again now that I know it works. Funny thing is, they have almost totally stopped digging.

It was great to fill the holes that were about 20 feet away from my back door. I feared I would either twist my ankle or fall over. It doesn’t stink either because it is buried. My grass has started growing back and you can barely tell where they dug.

Another method I tried and it works, too but it was going to be very costly for the whole acre. I bought a 50 ft long fence that was 4 ft high and cut it in half so it was l00 feet long and two feet high. I bought the smaller hole fencing…maybe it is called pig fencing…not sure. It has rectangular holes that are about 2 inches by 4 inches maybe. Anyway, I put the fencing on the ground and attached it to the field fencing at the bottom. I used some kite string and also some wire (clothes hangers cut in three pieces) to attach it.

My chicken yard borders the dog yard. The chickens peck at the grass into the dog’s yard for about 6 inches (they have long since pecked all the grass out of their yard). Because the dogs saw bare dirt, they decided to dig there. So, I put the fencing on the ground (on the dog’s side) where the chicken yard and dog yard meet. That solved that problem. So anywhere there was a big area that they dug, I used the fencing on the ground. You can use tent stakes to make it lie down so the grass will grow thru it. Just make sure you knock the tent stake way into the ground so it is not sticking up. You also need to be really careful when you mow the lawn. I use the weed eater where the fencing is on the ground.