Packing lunches

My husband has hypoglocemia and needs to eat 6 small meals a day to keep his sugar regulated. I was packing his lunch to save money but realized the things I was packing were really not good for him though they were quick and easy to pack…. processed meat sandwiches, chips, pepsis, cookies.

Now, I buy 4 or 5 pounds of ground beef meat and make them into 4 ounce hamburger patties. Place in a frying pan and add Worcheshire Sauce, garlic salt and Nature’s Seasoning to taste. I have a large frying pan and it holds seven patties. I sometimes cook 30 or so patties if the hamburger meat is on sale. After they are cooked thoroughly and cooled for about 5 minutes, I wrap each one individually with aluminum foil. I use one of those plastic shoe box size containers to store them in the freezer.

I have been buying ground beef for $l.49 a pound and I continue to stock up on it when it is on sale so I keep about thirty patties in the freezer at all times. The frozen patty only takes about 2 minutes in the microwave. Calvin usually bakes his potato first (4 minutes) and then puts the vegetable and meat in together for about 2 minutes. So it takes about six minutes but he is busy getting his drink and setting up his eating area during that time.

Sometimes I buy boneless pork chops and cook up about six of them using my steam process so it is fast and tender. Again, cool and wrap in aluminum foil and freeze. You need variety.

I have also found those frozen chicken breasts (on sale for $5.99 a bag – 2 lbs) work really well, too. I usually just cook up about four or six servings at a time.

I buy frozen vegetables like broccoli florets, califlower, and brussel sprouts (his choices). I also buy sweet potatoes and a bag of russet potatoes for baking.

So I pack two bottles of water (one frozen to keep things colder and for a refreshing drink on the way home), two hamburger patties, either a sweet potato or russet potato, and one of the frozen vegetable, and two pieces of fruit (usually peach, apple or banana). Plus, a small plate and silverware. This only works if you have access to a microwave at work.

The people at work are so jealous when he sits down to a hamburger (sometimes I add a bun) with a baked potato and broccoli with a fresh fruit for dessert. They think I am a wonderful wife.

I sometimes pack leftovers, too but skip a day when you pack it. If we have country fried steak on Monday, I pack a piece of it for Wednesday’s lunch.

I don’t know if this will help anyone but it could make your lunches more interesting and healthier. It takes me about 2 minutes to pack his lunch.

2 bottles of water, 2 meats, 2 vegetables, 2 fruits