Dividing Buns To Freeze

I love a bargain better than anyone I know.

At Winn Dixie, they had buy one get one free buns.  So I bought one hamburger and one hot dog bun.  Well, with only two of us I realized they would go bad before we used all of them so I decided to freeze half of them.  I took one layer of hot dogs (4) and replaced it  with one layer of hamburger buns (4).   Then I froze one pack and put the other in my bread box (microwave, lol).

I freeze my loaves of bread, too, especially if they are on sale.  The bread is so fresh when you take it out of the freezer and let it thaw.

I keep saying I am going to start making homemade bread.  I have all the ingredients but still no food thermometer.  I don’t trust myself to tell temperature for the water for the yeast without a themometer.  Plus, I don’t need to gain any more weight and I know how great bread tastes fresh from the oven.  Yum!!!!

Now, if I could just get that upright freezer I have been looking to buy.  I will need it if I am fortunate enough for my garden to flourish this summer.   Canning is in the future, too.  I hope.